to Arksun - Sound, home of professionally designed
sounds for your favourite soft-synths
16 July 2018
HALF PRICE SUMMER SALE!! 16th - 31st July 2018
Summer sale is now on, all commercial soundsets are at half price!
8 May 2018
NEW RELEASE! Omnisphere2 Soundset
I am pleased to announce the release of Luftrum 18, a collaboration with talented sound designer Luftrum to create a soundset for Omnisphere 2. We focused on highly useable sounds geared mainly towards film/tv/soundwave style. A perfect purchase for anyone working in production library music. This soundset is available on Luftrums website: http://www.luftrum.com/
11 August 2017
I have great pleasure in announcing my latest 128 preset soundset for Synapse-Audio Dune 2 synth. Had a lot of fun making this soundset and the Firestar Dance demo especially. There is a special introductory price offer of just £15 till the 31st of August, grab it at the reduced price whilst you can. In other news, there is a brand new general price for all the commercial soundsets, now slightly cheaper at £20 each!
1 January 2015
Half Price Sale is now on at Arksun-sound. All commercial soundsets are half price until Jan 14th!
23 December 2013
HALF PRICE NEW YEARS SALE!! 1st - 14th January 2014
Once again there will be a half price January 2-week sale. Giving advanced warning so if you're wanting to buy a soundset real soon, best wait till January 1st to snap up a bargain!.
24 December 2012
HALF PRICE NEW YEARS SALE!! 1st - 14th January 2013
This year there is no Christmas sale, instead there will be a 2-week January New Years sale!!. I'm giving a 1 week advanced warning of this sale so, if you were thinking of buying a soundbank for christmas, best wait till the 1st of January to pick one up for just half the price!.
09 July 2012
HALF PRICE SUMMER SALE!! 14th - 27th July
It's time for a Summer sale!, giving notice a week in advance of this 2 week summer sale which begins on the 14th and ends on the 27th of July 2012. All soundbanks will be half price.
6 May 2012
Diva Arksun Soundbank
I am very pleased to announce the arrival of the next commercial soundbank from Arksun-Sound. This time for the mighty Diva by U-He. Once more you can expect the usual high standard of sounds, all with that Arksun signature flavour running through them. There's a special introductory price offer, 20% off until the end of May 31st at midnight BST (GMT+1).
25 December 2010
Once again its that time of the year when I have a christmas sale. From 25th-31st Dec, all the commercial soundbanks are half price!. Grab em while ya can.
13 July 2010
ArtsAcoustic Reverb Free Minibank
Yes, its freeware time again. This time I decided to create some presets for an fx plugin instead of a synth. 20 presets for the ArtsAcoustic Reverb, a fine highly tweakable reverb that I enjoy using a lot. I hope you find these reverb sounds useful to you. Goto the Freeware page to download.
25 December 2009
Happy Holidays everyone!. To celebrate the end of another year and indeed, the end of a decade, for one week only all Arksun Soundbanks are HALF PRICE!. Grab em while you can (sale ends Dec 31st). Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
2 May 2009
Zebra Arksun
Soundbank scores 9/10 in Computer Music Magazine (CM139

8 April 2009
Computer Music Magazine
This months Computer Music Magazine
(Issue May 2009 CM #138) out today in the UK features a one page interview
with myself in an article on Sound Design. Thank you Computer
Music for allowing me to express my views on this topic through
your magazine.
20 March 2009
Arksun Soundbank
I have great pleasure in announcing that the Zebra
Arksun Soundbank is released. After many months work I'm very happy with
the end result. Because of its diversity I've decided to make not 1 but 3
combined sounds demos this time to show off some of its range. I hope you
enjoy the demo tracks and of course the soundbank itself.
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